List of Songs

List of Songs

Students often tell me they find it hard to choose a song for singing lessons. I understand; there are so many out there! So to help you out a little, here’s a list of songs and artists to help get you started. I have categorized them into kids, teens, ladies and...
How To Choose A Song

How To Choose A Song

When you prepare for singing auditions or performances, choosing the right song is a bit of an art-form. Here are a few pointers: • Make sure you can comfortably sing within the range. If you struggle during rehearsal, add some extra nerves on performance day and...
Can Everyone Sing?

Can Everyone Sing?

Can everyone sing? Can I sing? As a vocal coach, this is a question that I get asked a lot. It shows me there are so many folks out there who really want to sing but are scared to. Scared that they are not good enough. My answer is always; yes you can.Everyone Can...
Kids Singing Lessons

Kids Singing Lessons

Teaching kids how to sing is very different than teaching teenagers or adults. Here’s a few pointers on how to teach your children how to sing better: Make sure they enjoy the process. It is very important that the kids have positive associations to singing: It will...
Come Together Concert

Come Together Concert

I had the privilege of inviting some of my students to sing with me at the 2015 Transactional Analysis Conference, and I was so proud of their level of professionalism! There have been some requests to read the lyrics of the medley that...